If you are just thinking about alpacas at the moment, our suggestion is to SHOP SASKATCHEWAN! You can find alpacas to fit your highest expectations or your tightest budget right here! Find out for yourself the many benefits of buying from a small breeder. Quality, individual care, honest, cooperative attitudes (many breeders are willing to work together to give buyers the best package deals possible!), Saskatchewan hospitality and support!
Professer, Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
Western College of Veterinary Medicine
52 Campus Drive
University of Saskatchewan
Saskatoon, SK
S7N 5B4
P: 306-966-7411
Email: gregg.adams@usask.ca
Website: www.usask.ca/profiles/Adams_Gregg.php
Brittany Wock
PO Box 1022
Estevan, SK
S4A 2H7
C: 306-421-7030
Email: onetreefarms@gmail.com
Website: www.onetreefarms.ca
Tim and Glenda Shotter
Box 36
Osage, SK
S0G 3T0
C: 306-861-9624
Email: tgshotter@sasktel.net
Rob Blight, Kelly Kokoski
Box 381
Foam Lake, SK
S0A 1A0
C: 306-272-7825
Email: rokell@sasktel.net
Website: www.tigerparkalpacas.com
Cathy Merkley, Lynn Hilderman, Cathy Newby
PO Box 159
Dinsmore, SK
S0L 0T0
P: 306-825-6265 (Cathy M)
P: 306-821-6616 (Lynn H)
Email: info@alpacanaturally.ca
Website: www.alpacanaturally.ca
Box 106
Avonhurst, SK
S0G 0A0
P: 306-771-2040
Email: ratchet_16@hotmail.com
Jack & Cathy Newby
Box 159
Dinsmore, SK
S0L 0T0
P: 306-846-2163
C: 306-846-7007
F: 306-846-2163
Email: jcalpacas@sasktel.net
Cathy Merkley & Trudy McCall
PO Box 1671
Outlook, SK
S0L 2N0
P: 306-867-8020 (Farm/Studio)
C: 780-872-3338 (Trudy)
Cathy: tnc.barn@gmail.com
Website: www.alpacafarm.ca
Carol Poole
PO Box 1339
Pilot Butte, SK
S0G 3Z0
P: 639-994-0370
Email: tlr@sasktel.net
Website: www.tigerlilyranch.ca
Kelsey Kaban & Dustin Dick
PO Box 298
Stockholm, SK
S0A 3Y0
P: 306-620-7901
Email: kelseykaban84@hotmail.com
Website: www.dkacres.com
Tosha Sparks
PO Box 1596
Outlook, SK
S0L 2N0
P: 306-867-3427
Email: toshasolnicka@hotmail.com
Kelly Cooper
Box 28
Major, Saskatchewan,
S0L 2H0
P: (306) 834-9194
Email: kelly@stillwatermerchant.ca
Website: www.fusiliersheep.ca
Bruce & Loretta Peters
PO Box 663
Hague, SK
S0K 1X0
P: 306-270-1264
P: 306-230-9468
Email: lbpeters4@yahoo.ca
Website: www.dreaminalpacas.com
Sonja Welford
PO Box 205
Maymont, SK
S0M 1T0
P: 306-389-4906
C: 306-222-2932
Email: r.swelford@sasktel.net
Website: www.waviebankwoolers.com
Polly & Bob Schindel
PO Box 94
Lintlaw, SK
S0A 2H0
C: 306-327-8270
Email: saskapaca@sasktel.net
Website: www.saskapaca.com
Barbie, Jessika & John Harder
PO Box 981
Carrot River, SK
S0E 0L0
C: 306-401-7241
P: 306-768-8443
Email: jbharder6@gmail.com
Angie Baloun
PO Box 640
Manitou, MB
R0G 1G0
P: 204-242-4094
Email: angiebaloun@gmail.com
Website: www.balounalpacas.com
Clayton & Linda Schultz
1264 Green Lake Road
Oliver, BC
V0H 1T5
P: 250-689-0568
Email: clkschultz61@gmail.com
Website: www.sunkeyafarmalpacas.com
Kristi & Tim Harms
PO Box 2234
Warman, SK
S0K 4S0
P: 306-250-2256
Email: underdogalpacas@gmail.com
Website: https://underdog-alpacas.square.site
Morgan & Derek Evans
PO Box 591
Reston, MB
R0M 1X0
C: 204-496-0902
Email: chipscountingonme@gmail.com
Joan Kemp
PO Box 1335
Killarney, MB
R0K 1G0
Lisa Winter
Box 21
Rokeby, SK
Diane Unruh
Box 825
Hague, SK
S0K 1X0
C: 306-227-3432
Email: alpacagirl82@gmail.com
Website: www.altranovaalpacas.com
Sally Mitchell
RR3 LCD Main Saskatoon, Site 317 Comp 19
Saskatoon , SK
S7K 3J6
Email: sallysophiamitchell@gmail.com
Tamasyn Ament & Molly Venn
Box 2181
Kindersley, SK
S0L 1S0
C: (306) 460-5215
Email: tamasyn.ament@usask.ca
Shannon Kaytor
Box 116
Lumsden, SK
S0G 3C0
P: 306-501-7280
Jasmin Godenir & Lindsay Nowosad
Box 1105
Pilot Butte, SK
S0G 3Z0
P: 306-531-6599
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